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UIQuill vs. Typper

Switch to UIQuill for Smarter, More Accessible Text Optimization

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What's wrong with Typper

Although Typper promises to generate real text as a substitute for lorem ipsum, its method lacks accessibility. The absence of a free trial means users can't assess its capabilities before subscribing. This absence of hands-on exploration may discourage potential users who prefer to experience a product's functionality firsthand before making a commitment.

What solution does UIQuill offer instead

UIQuill presents a transformative solution by seamlessly integrating context-aware AI technology into Figma. With UIQuill, users can experience the power of AI-generated text suggestions tailored precisely to their design's context, tone, and style. Moreover, UIQuill offers a generous 3-day free trial, allowing users to fully explore its capabilities risk-free. This commitment to providing users with an opportunity to experience the product firsthand ensures that they can make informed decisions about its suitability for their needs.

10x design process

Save time

Our solution streamlines manual text adjustments in Figma, giving you more time for design.

Top content

Generated text aligns with your style and length preferences effortlessly. Enjoy professionally crafted text.


Enhance designs with SEO-optimised text for impressive and high-ranking content.

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More comparison

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